Monday 24 October 2011

London Riots Graphic Novel...

I'm doing a Graphic Novel at university which is loosely based on the London Riots.

Basically, the general story is that alien creatures are rioting and destroying everything on Earth, and only one man can sort this out, and that man... is Kurt Russell :D

The style and layout will be much like an old 2-dimensional side-scroller computer game (the images to follow will show this). However there will be close-ups and "alternative-view" pages in order to break it up so it doesn't get too boring.

The style and content of the story is inspired by a lot of my personal passions; cliché movies (particularly from the 80s :D) and obviously old computer games.

So, the above is post-riots and this is what a lot of the pages in the novel will look like but there will be more action going on like shooting enemies, jumping, etc. ya know, usual game-y stuff. Obviously there will also be different scenery in the backgrounds that make up each "level" as well.

In this one, Kurt Russell goes down into the sewers, notice that in the previous image, part of the sewer can be seen at the bottom.

Below is an example of another page, where the main character is hallucinating after being exposed to some sewage slime...

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